Michaela snuggling up with Levi:
Since this is finally my last post on Addie's birthday festivities, I figured I would give a little update on her. She had her well child check-up a couple weeks ago and we got a good report. She is a healthy girl! Addie has a weird iron thing (I won't go into detail about) that has made us give her iron vitamins to try to get her count up as much as possible. The good news we got was that her iron is in the "normal" range, which the doctor didn't expect to be able to happen, so that was great news! She is also a growing girl-weighing in at 25 lbs. 6 oz and 33 1/4 in. tall...both of which put her in the 50%! That's HUGE for us! When the doctor told me her percentage, I asked her to repeat it because I thought I had definitely misheard her seeing as 10% is usually big for our kids! The doctor was very impressed with her ability to talk (no signs of autism) and the fact the she is potty trained (for the most part). Addie enjoys to play with her baby dolls, her brother, Little People, Corduroy, ride scooters/bikes, play outside with the neighbors, eat, and sleep. She also recently got a movie called "The Letter Factory" which she begs to watch every day. Nana gave it to her for her birthday and within a week or so, Addie knew the sound that each of the letters in the alphabet makes. We thought that was pretty impressive! So, if anyone is wanting to teach their child the letter sounds, this is a great resource (unless you really don't like getting a song stuck in your head because it is bound to happen while watching this dvd). All that to say, Addie is such a happy, sweet girl and we love getting to spend every day with her. I'm not sure she understands that her birthday is over now, but that's okay. I don't mind continuing to tell her "happy birthday, Addie" every now and then!
The Letter Factory is responsible for Sophie's education as well. I tried to teach her letters and sounds, but it didn't go so well. 3 or 4 views of that movie, though, and she had them all. And she still remembers it a year later.