still true!) He is into anything and everything and seems to be finding more trouble to get into every day. He's a quick army-crawler, but has recently learned a new trick, as seen on the video in this post. It took me a while to get it on video...I guess he's not a performer and would get camera shy every time I tried to capture the excitement. Anyways, I will give more updates soon, but for now, here are some pics and a video of our Levi.
I turned around for 10 seconds or so and when I looked back at Levi, this is what I saw. I went to grab the camera before helping him out of the basket, but as soon as I took this picture, he decided he wanted that truck on the floor and did a nose dive out of the basket. Don't worry, he never cried for a second-I think he thinks it's normal to climb in and out of baskets...among other things. The up side is that he can normally get to whatever it is he wants these days, which minimizes the number of screaming fits he has. We have just had to baby proof (or as I would put it, Levi proof) way more than we ever did with Addie.
Boy, time goes by so fast! He is such a little cutie. I can't believe he's pulling up like that!!