Here are some random pics from the end of April and beginning of May. Enjoy!
Some ducklings were born in our neighborhood-they are a few days old here
Addie went for her 4 year old well check up and was diagnosed with asthma. Thankfully, it is under control!
We were excited to finally be able to go hiking (it seems to rain just about every Saturday!), but sad that we had to bundle up this much in May. Crazy!
The waterfall
I think Levi could throw rocks into water all day every day if he had the opportunity
Addie finished preschool for the year!
Bob had lost his ring in the ocean while we were in Florida and asked a man with a metal detector to look for it. Much to our surprise, the man found it hours after we left and mailed it to us!
We bought a van!
Love the update!! Too cool that Bob's ring was found. The kiddos are so big. Can't wait to see you soon! ~ Emily