Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This blog is quickly becoming a once-a-month posting kind of blog.  Better than nothing, though!  Here is our November in pics:

Our class at church had a joint baby shower for me and another pregnant mom due in December!
 All the little girls at the shower!
 Enjoying fall!
 We went on a field trip to the fire station for the 1st time!
 You can make Levi be in a picture, but you can't make him look at the camera!
 Addie with the fireman in all his gear.
 Levi got a surprise in the mail from the dentist since he hadn't sucked his thumb in over 3 weeks!  Too bad he has to wear hot sauce, tape, and gloves on his hands every time he sleeps to keep him from sucking it.
 Super Levi!
 Thanksgiving with the cousins in Virginia