Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hair cut

It is no secret that our kids have plenty of hair on their heads. It is rare for me to go out somewhere and not get a comment of some sort ("look at how much hair he/she has!") about Addie and Levi's hair. This has been the case ever since Addie was born, really. But with Levi, it has been different. His has been, for the most part, impossible to tame. For this reason, we partially gave up even trying to calm it down for a while. I would hear people "whisper" to each other as we walked through the halls at church "did you see that baby's hair?!". I have known for quite some time that Levi could use a hair cut, but didn't want him to lose his soft baby hair, and wasn't sure how to try to cut his hair and not completely mess it up. Just over a week ago, we finally decided to give him a trim and hope for the best. We think it turned out great, though we know he will need another hair cut soon!

Before side picture (I don't know why it's so blurry):

Before from the front:


Finished product!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Well check-up

For those of you interested, Levi had his 9 month well check up a couple of days ago. He is a healthy boy, but very small! This was not surprising to us, seeing as he is still easily wearing size 2 diapers and cannot seem to hold pants on his waist unless they are size 3-6 months (and some of those even fall down!). Here aer his numbers: 15 lbs. even, which fell below the 3rd percentile. 28 inches long, which is between the 25-50%. So, he is just a skinny guy, average in length. Levi eats a lot-still nursing 5 times a day as well as eating 3 meals of baby food and snacks throughout the day. As mentioned before, though, he is quite the mover, so we are chalking it up to that as well as his genetic make-up. Our family seems to have several smaller children and I think Levi is just going to be another one. But, we are so glad he is healthy and happy! He is still crawling like crazy and pulling up on anything he can get a hold on. The doctor said she doesn't think it'll be long before he's walking, and I think she's right...he's got to keep up with his big sister!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo shoot

While we were in Roanoke last month, we asked Uncle Corey to take try to take some pictures of Addie since she has a fear of picture studios, Corey has a sweet camera, and takes great pictures. He agreed and the weather ended up cooperating (enough) to be able to get some great, smiling pictures of our Addie. Since it went so well, we even got a couple of the 2 kids together, a family pic, as well as a few of Levi on his own. Here are some of my favorites:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

9 months old

Levi is 9 months old today. He is growing up so fast, which I have mixed feelings about. He is at such a fun age right now (I think I've actually been saying that for a few months, but it's
still true!) He is into anything and everything and seems to be finding more trouble to get into every day. He's a quick army-crawler, but has recently learned a new trick, as seen on the video in this post. It took me a while to get it on video...I guess he's not a performer and would get camera shy every time I tried to capture the excitement. Anyways, I will give more updates soon, but for now, here are some pics and a video of our Levi.

I turned around for 10 seconds or so and when I looked back at Levi, this is what I saw. I went to grab the camera before helping him out of the basket, but as soon as I took this picture, he decided he wanted that truck on the floor and did a nose dive out of the basket. Don't worry, he never cried for a second-I think he thinks it's normal to climb in and out of baskets...among other things. The up side is that he can normally get to whatever it is he wants these days, which minimizes the number of screaming fits he has. We have just had to baby proof (or as I would put it, Levi proof) way more than we ever did with Addie.
He goes to this position from his army crawl a lot, just to play.
Or this position:
Here's the action shot:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Royal Wedding

As everyone knows, the royal wedding was last Friday...bright and early in the morning. It really did not interest me a whole lot to watch it, but I decided to turn it on when I got up in the morning, just to see what a royal wedding looked like. I still had the tv on while we ate breakfast (which never happens) and Addie was totally into it. As soon as I told her it was a princess getting married, she could not take her eyes off of the screen. The carriage ride was a perfect part for her to watch as she was able to see the prince and princess for several minutes without having to watch anything/anyone else. It was a historic event and Addie got to see it-I've got pictures to prove it!

Here is a little video of her watching William and Kate: