Friday, September 11, 2015

Updates on the kiddos

I know it has been forever since I have been on here, but I just wrote some updates on the kids and thought I could post them on here in case anyone was interested.  I like to try to write updates on the kids every now to be able to keep and look back on in the years to come.  Our kids do some pretty funny little things that I am sure they will only do for a time, so I want to remember those things and when they happened.  So, here are the updates (please excuse grammatical errors-I type these up as they come to mind and have not proof-read them):

Addie (6 yrs. 5 mo.)-In first grade (home schooling), reading very well and enjoys that subject the most.  Can read step 1 I can read books almost perfectly.  Plays with Lego friends most of the time.  Likes her doll house too.  Rides a bike with no training wheels.  Very sensitive and cares so much about others.  Makes new friends easily and has recently said to people she meets “do you know about Jesus?”  Still great friends with kids from church: Addisyn, Summer, Abigail, James, Alden, Mason, Carter.  Is a saver with her money, but spends it on something she really wants (usually a lego set).  She is wearing size 6 clothes and size 11 or 12 shoes. 

Levi (5 yrs. 1 mo.)-In his last year before kindergarten, but doing first grade math right now.  He is very smart academically, but struggles with following directions, focusing, and sitting still.  From what we are told by his teachers at church, he is very well behaved while there.  At home, though, he is constantly in trouble.  He does not put things back where they belong, so he loses many things.  His room is a disaster at the end of rest time most days, so it takes a long time for him to be able to come out as his room must be clean first.  He loves legos and hardly plays with anything else.  He does enjoy playing games like Blokus, Guess Who, and Sorry.  He recently has been making patterns on the Blokus board just for fun.  He knows the order of the colors in the rainbow and we have barely practiced that (Bob told him 1 time, I think).  Math comes very easily to Levi and he enjoys it.  It blows our mind sometimes when he rattles off addition problems he did in his head.  He and Bob share the same sense of humor, which Bob loves.  He rides a bike with no training wheels and has since May of 2014.  He is wearing size 4 clothes and size 9 shoes.

Anabelle (1 yr. 8 mo.)-  So much fun and hilarious.  She has a purple cast on her left leg right now from fracturing her first metatarsul in her left foot by falling out of her small Pottery Barn kids chair.  It was a fluke accident, but she has done very well with adjusting to getting around with a cast.  It has hardly slowed her down.  Anabelle is on the move-more than Levi even was!  She likes to be outside and also to leave our house and go somewhere.  She does not love to play with her toys-especially not by herself.  She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and that is the only show she will watch, so we have let her watch it too much recently.  It is out go-to if we need her to be occupied so we can get something done (like home schooling).  She is so great at manners and even reminds others to say things like “thank you.”  She has lots of words now: please, thank you, help please, out please, eat, more, milk, water, up please, ball, doggie, mommy, daddy, Addie, Javy (which is her version of Levi), oatmeal, “pop” for lollipop or popcorn depending on the circumstance, snack, uh-oh, Nana, Pop for Poppi or Pops, a form of Dottie, Ella, Lolo (for Logan), all done, stuck, bye bye, “know?” for I don’t know with hands out palms up, says “Addie are you” for Addie where are you (and other names if she doesn’t know where someone is), and much more.  She sticks her hand in her diaper all the time and we don’t know why.  When she put her hand in and there is poop, she pulls some poop out on her finger and says “uh oh.”  She pitches fits when she doesn’t get her way (like when I say she can’t watch Mickey).  She prefers Mommy to anyone else, but also really loves Addie and loves to play in Addie’s room.  Goes into church ok-cries at drop-off sometimes, but from what I am told, cheers up quickly.  She has a great sense of humor and makes us laugh a lot.  Will many times start laughing in the van if she hears one of us laugh.  Climbs a lot.  Loves to go on bike ride in the iBert seat and laughs when we ride fast.  Takes her diaper off at night while in her crib if she is able.  Friends with Hunter, Naomi, and Eli and can say all their names (not perfectly, but good enough).  Is a picky eater-loves pasta, dipping sauces, oatmeal for breakfast every day, and pizza.  Loves baby dolls but does not understand real vs. pretend, so is constantly asking me to refill a bottle of milk and take the top off of things that don’t come apart (then gets very frustrated when I don’t do it).  Loves Corduroy books and says his name in a very cute way. Loves baths…until she got a cast.  Not a fan of sponge baths.  Wears size 18 mo. Clothes (some 2T also) and size 5 shoes.  

So obviously Anabelle's is much longer than the older kids', but that is because I have not every done an update on Anabelle, so I felt like I needed to cover a lot. Plus, she is the one learning and changing so much every day whereas the older kids are not as much (at least not in as obvious ways).  Here are some recent pics:
 The kids first day of school at church (they are taking home school classes at our church once a week)
 Anabelle with her little purple cast
 We go to the apple orchard a lot this time of year!

Our little home school co op we meet with weekly.  Enjoying the apple pie they made!

A cast can't stop her from bike riding!
 First day of home schooling

Field trip to the nature center!

Happy kids!
 Apple orchard with Nana and Poppi

Thursday, February 19, 2015

 Ever since Anabelle was a baby, we would say, "How big is Anabelle?  Anabelle is SO big!" And raise her hands up as we said "so big."  Just the other day as I was saying this to her, she raised her own hands up.  So now we do it all the time!  Of course, she doesn't want to show off for the camera.

You may not be able to tell, but this is Anabelle saying "uh-oh."  She is at such a fun age where she is learning so much every day!
Anabelle and her new tutu!
 Trying out her new car
 Addie working on her sewing with the kit she got for Christmas
 Addie with her friends Addisyn and Summer-they love each other!
 Such a happy girl...except when she's not
 One of her favorite things to sneak off and do (since she's not supposed to)
 This girl LOVES to be outside-hope spring comes soon!
 Riding on the plasma car with Daddy
 Another thing she loves to do-and yes, she got up there on her own while my back was turned.  She was so proud of herself
 Skate night at Addie's school!
 All day long Levi asks, "will you play sorry with me?"  We oftentimes have to tell him "no" and he will then play with a stuffed animal or something else.  In this case, he is playing with the robot he made (the green tube with eyes on the left).  He gets SO into it this game, he's fun to watch!
 First time in pigtails
 Our neighbors moved-this was taken as we said our goodbyes.  Sad to see them go.
 She's quite a messy eater!
 Addie's pile of Valentine's stuff from school
 It snowed....and then iced on top!
 Icicles for a snack
 Levi's 1/2 birthday.  He's already 4 and a half!
I just noticed how the majority of these pictures are of Anabelle.  I thought as your have more kids, you supposedly take less baby pictures, but that has not been true for our family.  Somehow most of the pictures we take are of Anabelle!  It's fun to document all the new things she is up to!