Addie has recently become very fond of a family that recently appeared in our front yard. She loves to wave at them enthusiastically from the living room window, shouting "hi" over and over again! She looks to see if we see what she is seeing, and looks like she wonders why we aren't as excited as she is. When we are outside, she begs "pees, pees" to go up the sidewalk to visit this family. We allow her to hang out with them for a while, but eventually decide it's time to leave them alone, so we tell Addie to say "bye bye." She waves and says "bye bye", but then starts crying as she walks away because she does not want to leave her newest friends. I'm not sure what we are going to do when fall is over and her friends disappear out of our yard...maybe we will let her visit them in the garage every now and then.
oh bless! This definitely put a smile on my face... thanks for sharing :)