Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The snow is here! We have been living in Asheville for the past 9 months or so and have wondered what winter would be like here. Last year, Asheville apparently got more snow than usual, so we didn't know what to expect. And, though winter has not officially begun yet, I think it is going to be another snowy winter here. We have already had 2 snows and it is only mid-December. The snow unexpectedly came during the night Saturday night and church was cancelled everywhere. So, we headed out to play in the snow. Addie loved it, but had some trouble with her winter gloves...we were not prepared for her to play with snow apparently. We're working on it, though, since it looks like we are going to have lots of it over the next few months-we have 2 chances for it before this coming Sunday! Here are some pics I got from our fun:
Levi was a trooper. I kept having to bend down to help Addie get up out of the snow, or to put her soaking wet gloves back on, but he didn't whine at all.
Loving every minute of it:
Building a snowman with the neighbors:
I'm sure there will be many more snowy pictures!


  1. looks like fun to me! :) And it is actually quite unusual to have this much snow before Christmas!

  2. So fun! It's snowing here now. Can't wait to see you guys.

  3. Wow, looks like fun! Is it going to be a white Christmas for you guys?

    Thanks for all the great pictures you post, we love following your family through your blog.
