Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nate and Kat

Bob and I recently celebrated our anniversary and we decided to watch our wedding video with Dottie (since she was here) after the kids went to bed. Dottie suggested we show it to Addie sometime, thinking she would probably like it. The following evening, Addie watched our wedding dvd before going to bed (part of it, anyways) and now she is hooked. We don't know whether Dottie's suggestion was good or bad, though, because it has become quite an obsession. So much so, that we have had to put the wedding dvd away and are trying to get Addie to forget about it. She had let it consume her life-talking about "Mommy and Daddy's wedding" and "pretty dress" and "don't throw the flowers!" among other things constantly. The biggest problem, though, is that she wanted to watch it ALL THE TIME, which is not an option around here. And when she was told she could not watch it, she threw a major tantrum. In fact, she could not calm down to go to sleep one night because she was so upset that she couldn't watch more of Mommy and Daddy's wedding. All that to say, we are trying to get her to forget our wedding, but have been able to distract her a little by talking about the wedding we will be attending next summer-Uncle Nate and Miss Kathryn's wedding! Addie is soooo excited-this video does not do the excitement justice, but it at least gives you an idea. Hopefully you can understand what she's talking about. The only bad part of talking about this wedding with Addie is that she just doesn't understand it's so far away...

1 comment:

  1. That is so adorable! Thanks for sharing :)

    - Kat
