Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Addie made it all day yesterday without throwing up, so that is good (I think). I had called the dr. in the morning, and she asked me to bring in a urine sample for testing, then give them a call if Addie threw up again. I brought in the urine sample, then got a all from the dr. yesterday afternoon. They did some kind of test on the urine in the office and found there was a small amount of blood in it. She told me this could mean Addie has some kind of infection (she would not tell me what it could be), or it could be nothing-just some irritation that made her have a little blood in her urine. So, they are sending the urine off to a lab to find out what is going on with that. She told me they should get the results on Wednesday. In the meantime, I am just supposed to call the doctor's office if Addie vomits anymore. We would like to think Addie is all better, but obviously don't know if she is or not. Last time she threw up, it had been a day and a half since the time before, so we will wait and see. We do not hope for her to vomit, but if something is wrong, we would like to know, so we can go ahead and address the issue. Thank you to everyone for praying, and I will update sometime after we hear from the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some good pics of the kiddos today and have a picture post rather than all these boring, gross posts. Hope everyone had a great Tuesday!

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