Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

We had a really fun Valentine's day yesterday, especially as it was Addie's first one to really celebrate (it's kind of hard to celebrate when you're a baby!). We got to go meet Daddy for lunch, which was a lot of fun. Then, once Daddy got home, Addie got to open her Valentine's gifts. Below are some pictures of the festivities:

Addie got Valentine's from her cousins, Michaela and Trevor, which included candy!

Trying out her "Sweet Tarts" for the first time-they were a hit. She kept saying "more, more"
She also got a card and bracelet from Nana (and Poppi-I'm sure he played a big part in picking them out):
Mommy and Daddy gave her a necklace, a Pez dispenser, and a little wind-up heart that she loved to play with:
Daddy's girl:
Then, we found a box outside our front door that had somehow been delivered without us knowing it! Dottie (and Pops, I'm sure) sent Addie lots of stuff-candy, crackers, and a big stuffed caterpillar!
Dottie remembered Levi as well...he got some new socks and a card! Thanks, Dottie!

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